Professional Website Design for Small Businesses

It is our driving goal to support small and local businesses to thrive, and we appreciate that a big part of that is having a beautiful, professional website – but another huge factor is that it shouldn’t cost the Earth.
As a business owner, you understand the ins and outs of your company – what You know why your customers choose you, and now you would like to find some more customers just like them.
A professional looking website, with your story on it, detailing your services, your expertise, perhaps your pricing but defintiely your contact details – that goes along way to getting new customers through the door.
I have been in this industry for over 20 years, and I know a thing or two about how to attract and retainyour key target customers. I also know that quality is hugely important, but often price is a deciding factor when it comes to investing in new branding, advertising or a new website.
Recently I’ve seen businesses offering to complete a website in one day – and I think two things about this:
1) It isn’t something we couldn’t do here, but it isn’t something we would push to do.
2) One day? There are only so many hours in one day, so the price cannot be too high, right?
Given the timeframe of one day, the website is almost guaranteed to be built using a template – there simply isn’t enough time to hand build anything in one day! Therefore, the effort required is significantly lower than having to hand code a site – this should be reflected in the price.
I appreciate that the bonus with this offering is that the website is built and launched inside 24 hours, but is that enough of a bonus to charge such a big premium for?
“How much of a premium? ” I hear you ask – well, I’m getting to that now.
For a 3 page website, delivered in 24 hours, including 12 months of hosting – how much sounds reasonable?
Given the very fast timeframe, I now what I personally think would be a good price. What are the prices I’ve seen?
£500? £1,000? More?!
Well, the answer is… more.
£3,000 – that’s THREE THOUSAND POUNDS, for a basic website and 12 months hosting.
I’m sorry, but that is simply outrageous! It isn’t the only example I found though – other were charging £2,500, another £1,500 plus £150 per month – All outrageous and utterly over-priced.
If you REALLY need your website live TOMORROW, and it cant wait for another day or two, by all means feel free to search Google for one day websites. If you don’t like paying through the nose, give us a call or fill in your details in the box below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
So what is reasonable? If you are looking to get a simple but professional website up and running in a slightly longer time (let’s say 1 week as an example, but we will gladly support you to get things moving as quickly as you need/want) our proposal is this:
A domain name (the website address
12 months fast, secure, solid state hosting
Up to 5 pages (plus the standard sitemap, cookies, privacy policy pages etc. Nobody should include these as part of the build)
A design using your colours, brand, logo – supporting your business.
Your contact details, including phone and email
All images – plus any you can provide
Foundational SEO – We’ll make sure your basic technical SEO is completed.
Want to split the cost of the site build over the year? That’s fine, and we’re happy for you to pay £40 per month for the 12 months, at which point you will own the website.
The hosting renews at £60 per year, and any updates to the site will be charged separately – but using the same no-nonsense approach and low costs.